Loadstar 39
midi hacker
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Commodore BASIC
151 lines
40 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0:dimst$(17)
41 a$="please stand by ...."
43 forx=1to500:next
45 print"[147][151]"a$:forx=1to25:next
46 print"[152]"a$:forx=1to25:next
47 print"[155]"a$:forx=1to25:next
48 print""a$:forx=1to25:next
59 fori=1to17:readst$(i):next
60 ck=0:rem initialize checksum
70 fori=828to909:readx:pokei,x:rem poke ml routine
80 ck=ck+x
90 next
91 print"[155]"a$:forx=1to25:next
92 print"[152]"a$:forx=1to25:next
93 print"[151]"a$:forx=1to25:next
94 print"[147]":forx=1to500:next
100 :
101 print"[147]";:gosub 60600:forx=1to3000:next:gosub60860
102 geta$:ifa$=""then 102
103 ifa$="p"ora$="[208]"then wh$=a$:goto 110
104 ifa$="s"ora$="[211]"then wh$=a$:goto 110
105 ifa$=chr$(13) then gosub 61000
106 goto 102
110 gosub 61500
115 open5,dv:print#5:print#5
120 ifwh$="s"thenwh=1:goto160
130 ifwh$="p"thenwh=2:poke832,8:poke832,9:goto160:rem passport registers
140 :
150 rem setup and initialization for sequential and passport interfaces
160 cr(1)=56832:cr(2)=56840:rem control registers
170 rs(1)=3:rs(2)=19:rem master reset
180 in(1)=149:in(2)=145:rem receive interrupts
190 bu=866 :rem location of ml routine to get data
200 mb=825 :rem location of current midi byte
210 rem *** initialize ***
220 poke251,0:poke252,192:rem poke lo,hi bytes of start of buffer (49152)
230 poke826,0:poke827,0:rem store starting values of buffer pointers
240 pokecr(wh),rs(wh):rem master reset
250 pokecr(wh),in(wh):rem receive interrupts from midi
260 poke56333,127:rem disable interrupts
270 poke788,60:poke789,3:rem store address of new interrupt routine
280 poke56333,129:rem restore interrupts
290 rem *** read midi device ***
300 print"[147]":ifdv=4thenprint"running...."
301 print#5," now listening for midi data "
310 print#5," press space to abort to menu "
320 geta$:ifa$=chr$(32)then print#5:print#5:close5:goto101
330 sysbu:b=peek(mb)
340 ifb<128thenprint#5,b;:goto320:rem <128 for data bytes
350 ifb=254then320:rem end
360 print#5
370 ifb>239then420:rem <240 for channel messages
380 t=((b and 112)/16)+1:ch=(b and 15)+1
390 print#5,st$(t);", ch #";ch;
400 goto320
410 rem system messages
420 ifb=240thenprint#5,st$(8);:goto320
430 ifb=242thenprint#5,st$(9);:goto320
440 ifb=243thenprint#5,st$(10);:goto320
450 ifb=246thenprint#5,st$(11);:goto320
460 ifb=247thenprint#5,st$(12);:goto320
470 ifb=250thenprint#5,st$(13);:goto320
480 ifb=251thenprint#5,st$(14);:goto320
490 ifb=252thenprint#5,st$(15);:goto320
500 ifb=255thenprint#5,st$(16);:goto320
510 print#5,st$(17);:goto320
520 data"note off","note on","poly pressure","control change"
530 data"program change","channel pressure","pitch bend"
540 data"sysex start","song pointer","song select","tuning command"
550 data"sysex end"
560 data"start","continue","stop","reset","undefined"
570 data72,152,72,173,2,222,74,176
580 data3,76,92,3,173,3,222,201
590 data254,240,13,201,248,240,9,141
600 data56,3,32,122,3,76,63,3
610 data104,168,104,76,49,234,173,58
620 data3,205,59,3,208,6,169,254
630 data141,57,3,96,168,177,251,238
640 data58,3,141,57,3,96,172,59
650 data3,200,152,136,205,58,3,240
660 data3,141,59,3,173,56,3,145
665 data251,96
60600 print""
60610 print:poke53280,14:poke53281,14
60630 print" [223][223][146] [223] [223][146][223] [223][146][223] [223][146][223] [223][146][223] [223][146][223] [223][146][223] [223]"
60640 print" [223][223][146] [223][223][146][223][223][146][223][223][146][223][223][146][223][223][146][223][223][146][223][223][146] [223][223][146] [223][223][146][223][223][146][223][223][146][223][223]"
60650 print" {$7f}{$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f} {$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f} "
60660 print" {$7f}{$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f} {$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146] {$7f} {$7f}[146]{$7f} [164]{$7f}"
60670 print" {$7f} {$7f}[146]{$7f} {$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f} [146] {$7f} {$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146] {$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}[146]{$7f}{$7f}"
60680 print" "
60690 print" "
60700 print" presents ..... "
60701 print" "
60710 print" [176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174] "
60720 print" [176][177][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][177][174] "
60730 print" [176][179] [171][174] "
60740 print" [221][221] midi hacker [221][221] "
60750 print" [221][221] [221][221] "
60760 print" {$7d}{$7d} by {$7d}{$7d}"
60770 print" {$7d}{$7d} {$7d}{$7d}"
60780 print" {$7d}{$7d} david r. brooks {$7d}{$7d}"
60785 print" [221][221] [221][221]"
60786 print" [221][221] (c) 1987 [221][221]"
60790 print" [173][179] [171][189]"
60800 print" [173][178]{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}[178][189]"
60810 print" [173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
60850 return
60860 print""
60870 print" [146]"
60880 print" menu [146]"
60881 print" [146]"
60882 print" which interface are you [174][146]"
60883 print" [171][146]"
60884 print" using ? [221][146]"
60885 print" [221][146]"
60886 print" p)assport or s)equential [221][146]"
60887 print" [221][146]"
60888 print" press return to exit [221][146]"
60889 print" [221][146]"
60890 print" [221][221] (c) 1987 [221][146]":return
61000 print"[145][145][145] are you sure (y/n) [146]"
61010 geta$:ifa$=""then 61010
61015 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]" then 60860
61017 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then 61020
61018 goto 61010
61020 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
61021 ifer<>63 then print"[147]":end
61023 load"hello connect",8
61500 gosub60600:print""
61510 print" [146]
61512 [153]" output to tanwait
61513 print" [146]
61514 [153]" s)creen or p)rinter wait
61515 print" [146]
61516 [153]" by wait
61520 geta$:ifa$=""then 61520
61530 ifa$="s"ora$="[211]" then dv=3:return
61540 ifa$="p"ora$="[208]" then dv=4:goto61550
61545 goto 61520
61550 open15,dv,15:close15:ifst=0then return
61560 gosub60600:print""
61562 print" [192]"
61565 print" printer not ready "
61566 print" "
61568 print" press (return) "
61569 print" "
61570 print" "
61575 geta$:ifa$=""then61575
61577 ifa$=chr$(13) then gosub60600:goto61500
61589 goto 61575